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We have a large pineapple pine tree on the side right side of our pathway to the front entrance of our house. We were told that this is bad due to its sharp leaves. We also have cactus graowing outside bedroom windows and were told to remove it. Is it true that blue pavement cause instability? Blue bedsheets, curtains and walls are bad feng shui in bedroom?

Thank you for your time.

Regarding your question, pineapple / pine tree is not a destructive feature. There's always a misleading that plants with sharp pointing leaves is bad, for example small potted cactus.
Even if there're presence of such destructive features, it also requires you to know at which direction it is coming from.

Lastly, true practice of Chinese Classical Feng Shui does not involve with color; if you're told that your favorable element is fire (Red), simply living in a house painted in red will make no difference.

So to clear your doubts, blue pavement and other items you'd mentioned would not cause instability or bad Feng Shui.

Question Posted by Nish
[Answered : 13:42:11 PM]

Hi master help Me Please. We happened to accidentally renovate against the three killing sectors for this year. Following few days, my husband had an accident in which he broke his leg. I do believe that the killing energy is releasing sha qi and will soon bring misfortune to the rest of the family members-. Pls advise what should we do and how to Cure it?

Thank you very much for taking your valuable time.

Since the accident had already happened, we must always learn from this experience. There may be other causes such as human action (Negative) and so for. We ever witness similar cases that revolve around bankruptcy.

There are several methods to suppress 3 killing energy and here's one simple application you can apply. Locate where your North (N2) sector is, after which, drill a hole into the wall with a handy drill followed by patching of plaster. This has to be done with a proper time given. We'll email you the info.

Question Posted by Kellie
[Answered : 15:34:27 PM]

Is dry wood a dead plant and create bad chi? I find them unique and add additional style to my house. So should we remove them? Thank you very much for your help.

Not anything dead will cause bad energy. E.g. house furniture that is made of wood. Those features are form of dead wood as well. As long as they blend beautifully into your design, it does not matter.

Question Posted by Mrs Goh
[Answered : 11:09:13 AM]


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