chinese geomancy ancient china wisdom Geomancer, Feng Shui Master Jon Sim 

Feng Shui home decorating and Project

Create the environment of your dream home, business or office for wealth and harmony.

Xuan Kong Feng Shuixuan kong da gua 64 hexagram xuan kong flying stars chinese horoscope
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Create the environment of your dream home, business or office.

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tilted stove
tilt door
Stove is angled and face towards one favorable direction to promote wealth. Tilting of main entrance doorway facing an auspicious direction to re-correct the flow of the chi for semi-detached house.
Tilting of main entrance side doorway to re-correct the flow of the chi in the house. San Yuan Water Formations to promote harmony and wealth for business.
tilting of feng shui door
Tilting of entrance doorway facing an auspicious direction to re-correct the flow of the chi for working enviroment. San Yuan Water Formation that gathers beneficial Qi to promote harmony and wealth.
Screen of tall trees for prosperous Mountain Dragon structure. Principle of above mountain and below water dragon.
Odd number stairs for Outgoing Sha Formation for office entrance. Installation of Five Ghost Carry Treasure Wealth Formation.
Relocating main door facing direction to re-correct the energy flow from external influence. Pure Yin and Pure Yang application with occupant's hexagram matching.
Special Wealth Formation for Outdoor Spa. Positive Energy Flow.

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Feng Shui Interior Design

All water points & auspicious directions are base on 64 Hexagram Upper & Lower Period Kua Formations. Applications and techniques apply does not involve using items of luck and charms.

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