masters, I've been studying flying star feng shui on my own
for several years. My question goes like this; Activating
flying star #8 promises good results? I've been placing indoor
water fountain at water star #8 location for many months,
but no results shown. Is there anything goes wrong? Thank
you again.
are few factors you need to take note but most important,
the study of external environment. This is one of the biggest
mistakes that were often made during an audit. Many people
got the habit of jumping straight into internal property without
studying the external flow. Activation of star #8 will only
show results if it is tapping with the correct energy flow
from the external.
factors to take note, to name a few: Incoming and Outgoing
Gua reading of a person, Main door direction and Annual Affliction.
Posted by Nancy Wong
[Answered : 17:28:34 PM]