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I would very much like to know is there really any need to lay 6 i-ching coins before laying of floor tiles at my front door areas? Will it bring good luck and prosperity? Renovation would be starting soon so could you please advise whether to proceed. Any help will be appreciated.

What you'd just look into are Chinese beliefs and practices. I-Ching Coins itself has nothing to do with Wealth or resemble any mystical power.

Moreover, if you intend to do so, you should first study what are your personal element and the type of qi at the front door sector. The coins itself is associated with metal and you should first understand the element cycle before applying. Without understanding the theory and follow blindly, you can sometimes be making worst out of a good situation.

You can email us your house plan with exact facing direction including personal Birth data. We'll advise you regarding this issue.

Question Posted by Michelle
West Virginia
[Answered : 11:56:39 AM]

My fiancee and I are looking for a new home. Recently, we found one that matches to our criteria pretty well - near southern exposure, good size home with a bit & nice back yard. But we are hesitating since the seller current owner 's wife suddenly died after they moved into this home 18 months ago from Canada. Don't know much about Feng Shui, we've heard that people saying that this is a "Xiong Zhai" (Corpses house). Please advise.

You need to know that different type of houses can mean different kind of luck for a person. Even a house that has the best Feng Shui does not mean it will bring the same kind of luck for all residents living in the same property.

Does living in the house owned by Bill Gates or Donald Trump makes you become as rich as they do?

Our life is greatly influences by Heaven Luck (Predestined Code), Earth Luck (Living Environment), Man's Luck (Our own Actions). Each of this luck is accountable for 33% each. Finding a proper house to suits the owner, besides studying its environment, you also need to know how it will influence us base on personal birth data. Environment analysis alone is only part of the section.

The sudden death took place in the house and not anywhere else, is known as the meeting point of time and space associated with the wife's predestined code and the environment influences. It does not necessary mean it will causes the same luck to other family members. You may wish to ask yourself this. If the house were so called "Bringing One's Bad Luck" or "Corpses house", why wouldn't the same incident take place to the owner himself or others within the same period? The answer is clear.

Question Posted by Carol Liu
[Answered : 16:23:23 PM]

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