Question: I'm
seriously thinking of hiring a Feng Shui consultant to my place. What I'm afraid
of is they will ask me to place items that are too oriental. I belong to a protestant
Christian family and do not wish other fellowship to notice when they pay a visit
to me. Answer:
don't have to worry about that. People have great misunderstanding that after
an audit, your house will be fill with Oriental decorating style. We'd mentioned
numerous of time that Feng Shui is about balancing the energy flow in our environment
and how we can improve the flow of beneficial energy. It is not about how to decorate
your place with items. Its
true that in olden days, you'll be asked to place oriental items and decorations
for the reason that practicing of feng shui is originated from Chinese. Its quite
normal for chinese to blend in with culture belief together with FS theory. But
today, these culture change as the world become advance. Will you still use an
olden days Chinese abacus (calculator) if modern calculator is besides you? The
only thing remain unchanged is the energy flow around our enviroment.
today's world of Feng Shui techniques of harnessing beneficial energy flow; it
is put into practice to blend harmoniously with the look and style of modern living
that makes it unseen to others. These style can be blend into all kinds of design
including pop art and modern zen. You'll be surprise that most of the house and
office with FS formation are done in way that no one will ever make notice of.
In another words, when someone enters your home or office and realize that you'd
probably apply FS theory within the property, you'd failed the job. Question
Posted by Mrs. Stevenson
[Answered : 13:23:45 PM] |
you explain Feng Shui a belief or natural science of environmental? Answer:
of all, Feng Shui metaphysics are not based on superstition and religion belief.
It is a mathematical science for balancing the environment and energy flow around
us. Existence
of science begins with human curiosity and exploration to the world. Through time
and space, these explorations become great knowledge in the form of scientific
equations that turns out to become great invention. For instance, the invention
of solar calculators, hiking compasses, and rocket that goes into outer space.
shui itself share the same theory with a proven track record of over 3000 years
and that is why its still in use today. Why
some people still regard feng shui as a culture belief because in ancient world
of Chinese society, these secrets are kept very close to masters and only pass
down to disciple who're closely related to them. Until today, these cycle keep
repeating. Unlike westerners, they share their discovery to the world. For that
reason, superstitious though derives. But in actual fact, feng
shui is true mathematical science for balancing energy flow
in our world of Chinese metaphysics. How environment influences us can be explained. Question
Posted by Joshua [Answered : 09:55:22 AM] |
Master, your 2007 yearly flying stars remedies says that it only apply to houses
or offices that already had good Feng Shui and correct "Ch'i" energy flow. Does
that mean we need to fengshuied our hse before we apply it? Answer:
Lynn, why we mentioned that for the reason that applying annual flying stars techniques
can both be complicated and yet simple. Before the stars actually took result,
you need to first have the correct "Ch'i" flow from external environment. Most
practitioners had the habit of jumping straight into the internal property base
on stars chart and forgot about the external environmental flow. No point if you're
good with finding all internal remedies but your exterior environment is bad or
with unpleasant energy low. This consists of door facing as well. Feng Shui is
about how well you're able to tap into the correct chi with the surrounding that
will enhance our quality of life. Question
Posted by Lynn [Answered : 09:11:56 AM] |
small bowl of gold fish in bedroom means loss of wealth? Answer:
are just general terms and concepts. If your secondary wealth corner is located
inside your bedroom, a small fish tank or water feature can bring about great
fortune to occupant. Do take notes that the goldfish don't bring you wealth. It
is the water that gathers the good "Qi" to bring about beneficial changes in your
life. Question
Posted by Robert Teng [Answered : 19:23:15 PM] |
was born on July 6th
1968. Following the 8 mansions
kua from books and Internet resources, I've shifted my door and stove facing to
my Sheng Qi direction hoping that it could bring me wealth but things never improve
and got worst. Anything I've missed out? Answer:
Kenny, there are few possibilities for this. Besides annual affiliation, time
factor is one of the major and most concerned issues. We're afraid you'd miss
this important step. Secondly, do bear in mind that relocating of doorway for
new directions are not for beginners. It may look simple but you need other form
of calculations to get everything right. Thirdly,
from your given birth data, you belong to Kun kua which is 2 earth. You shouldn't
locate your stove facing towards your Sheng Qi direction at the first place even
though it may consider the best direction. There's a hidden 5 yellow within this
kua number. Hope you'll get everything right in time with necessary changes. Question
Posted by Larry, SG, Holland
[Answered : 13:56:11 PM] |
every Feng Shui Consultants have different theory of their own. How to choose
a trustworthy one? Answer:
your own instinct. If you're unsure, ask question. If something sounds too good
to be true, be careful. Avoid those who beat around the bush asking for more money
on unnecessary items. Classical FS
is about energy flow, locations and directions.
You can easily tell whether their services are base on superstitious theory or
true logical terms. Question
Posted by Alfred Hall [Answered : 09:23:15 AM] |
leaving the toilet seat up flush away your wealth? Answer:
in Feng Shui had nothing to do with toilet seat and it does not flush away your
money. Question
Posted by Simon Ong [Answered : 14:45:09 PM] |
just shifted into a peaceful, beautiful home with garden and nice scenery surrounding
it. But I noticed since we moved in, we have had nothing but financial problems.
Do it mean that a beautiful home does not always have good fengshui? Storing
stuff like old used book underneath my bed and dead plants can cause bad feng
shui too? Please advise. Question:
problems in Feng Shui aspect are normally related to bad influence of the house
structure and wrong mountain locations. Another issues which is the most important
that we need to take note is the influence of the external environment. A
gorgeous looking house with nice scenery does not guarantee you anything. Many
people had mistaken that a good-looking property will always provide you with
the best energy, which is totally wrong. You're a true evidence yourself that
we believe you'd finally stayed in a dreamed home of your own, but what happen
next?...nothing but Financial Problem. We'd
heard too many theories that says you need to clear everything underneath your
bed,?... how your money being flush away related to toilets and so on. Those are
"MYTH". What you'd just bring out is another famous myth; a deadly plants will
cause bad influence. Again, the answer is "No". Because it is relates to the word
"dead" doesn't mean it bring bad energy. Think again; what about your home furniture?
Aren't they produce and manufacture using dead wood too? Feng
Shui is calculation base on specific directions and locations. It is not about
theory that relates to a story or related word. For instance, when you think of
a toilet, it relates to you with word "Flush" or "Wash Away". Does that means
it will flush or wash anything away? "No" of course. We're not here to relate
it into a story flow or meaning of the word "Flush Away." People
love to relate all this "Words and actions" with Feng Shui theory which can easily
mislead you. If you're seriously looking into all these factors, you need to make
sure which are the Myth, Truth and which theory falls under Culture believe..or
worst even,...superstitious. Question
Posted by Chirstina, Hesperia Ca [Answered : 14:11:16
PM] |
Japan, my is very room small side by partitions. Fen Shui will come to be bad? Answer:
Ryoko, it does no matter. Even with limited space, you can still enjoy good beneficial
energy as long as there are proper spaces for allocating correct assignment together
with good external features. Question
Posted by Ryoko Tokyo, Japan
[Answered : 11:56:19 AM] |
to bazi reading, my lucky element is fire. Please help me with direct advice what
color to paint my room or is I am supposed to wear anything in red. Answer:
Cassandra, this
has been one of the commonly asked questions. Customers who came to us are often
surprise that we actually do not give any recommendation on specific colours they
should use. Classical Feng Shui is about how environmental energy flow influence
us. Its not about what you should wear or how you should decorate your room with
colours. Recently,
a visitor writes to us that he has lost his job after painting his bedroom with
blue. He is afraid that blue that represent water is his unfavorable colours.
We told him that the incident took place not because of the colours but something
else. Later we found out that he had accidentally done a small installation work
at a bad location for this year. After advising him what he should do, the problem
is being resolved. Here
you can see that filling up your room with colours related to your favorable or
element will never at all influence your luck. Most important is the Qi (Energy
flow). If colours are one of an important factor, we must as well paint our wealth
corner in blue that represent water rather than placing a real water flow features.
is why a practitioner with true Classical Feng Shui background will hardly ever
advise how you should fill your room with specific colours or what you should
wear. Question
Posted by Lum, Cassandra
[Answered : 11:15:12 AM] |
Just a quick note with many thanks that I feel so lucky to have you around. My
finances have improved and life is getting better. You are the most merciful and
patience master I ever met. Answer:
You are most welcome!!! Question
Posted by Kimberly SK, Singapore
[Answered : 14:12:10 PM] |