Five Elements Of Life By
Jon Sim
law of Nature states that for all that exist in this world, there are always two
sides to them (The Principle of Yin and Yang) Yin
& Yang: They are two individual natural form of energy that exists in our Universe,
opposing yet interrelating. Yin
and Yang expresses the evolution of all that exists on this Earth. They are the
opposites of one another, which together make up the whole. life is only made
possible because of the interaction between Yin and Yang. We can never do without
the existence of either of them. You can never have Yang without Yin and vice
versa. For
your easier understanding, think of it this way. In life, there are always two
sides to everything too. When there is Day there will be Night. When there is
feminine there will be male and when there is failure, there will also be success
and etc. Our
life is all greatly affected by the influence of Yin and Yang. A balance between
these two opposing energy is always to be sought. When they are in balance, we
feel good. But when we have too much or too less of either, we feel unwell. Think
of it this way. In order to stay healthy and to work well, we have to have the
appropriate hours of sleep and rest too. To
achieve the best of our life, we have to understand and follow this principle
of Yin and Yang, to seek a balance in life; to establish a Yin and Yang balanced
environment for ourselves (both physically and spiritually) And
what that brought about this ultimate balance of this very world in which we are
residing are five very elements. The five elements of life: Wood, Fire, Earth,
Metal and Water. All
forms on this Earth belong to either one of the above-mentioned five elements
and are always in one way or another, mutually affecting one another, which in
turn affect our life. This is an ever-going cycle in the law of Nature. It
is the relationship of these very five elements that brought about the formation
of this Earth (The basis of Yin & Yang) The
Productive Cycle: - Water
generates Wood: The rain nourishes the Earth, bringing about the growth of the
plants and trees
- Wood
generates Fire: The plants and trees are by nature, combustible matter which generates
- Fire
generates Earth: Under flames, article turn into ashes which form soil
- Earth
generates Metal: Soil contains minerals which over time, form metal
Metal generates Water: Under flames, metal melt into liquid state and likewise
water dew is formed quickly on cool metal surfaces
Destructive Cycle: -
Water destroys Fire: Water can extinguish fire
- Fire
destroys Metal: Fire can melt metal
Metal destroys Wood: Metal cut wood apart
- Wood
destroys Earth: Wood can thrust into soil
- Earth
destroys Water: Soil is able to retain water, preventing flood
you can see in the above 2 cycles, the presence of all the five elements is required
to bring about a balance of this world. Having too much or too little of any of
the above five elements is never desired. For instance, too much of a heat from
the sun can cause drought while too much of a rain can inversely cause flood and
so on. A balance is always to be sought (The principle of Yin and Yang) And
for your understanding, the time, year and date of birth of yours are also categorized
as under one of the five elements. Meaning
to say? You are one essential element that cannot be missing from the whole picture. Remember.
You came into this world with a very personal life element of yours. And within
this personal element of yours, you will find your strengths and weakness. The
five elements of life have got each of their individual value. Understand your
strength well. You have that unique ability of your too. Make good and correct
use of it, you are certainly someone capable of great accomplishment too.
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