to bazi reading, my lucky element is fire. Please help me
with direct advice what color to paint my room or is I am
supposed to wear anything in red.
has been one of the commonly asked questions. Customers who
came to us are often surprise that we actually do not give
any recommendation on specific colours they should use. Classical
Feng Shui is about how environmental energy flow influence
us. Its not about what you should wear or how you should decorate
your room with colours.
a visitor writes to us that he has lost his job after painting
his bedroom with blue. He is afraid that blue that represent
water is his unfavorable colours. We told him that the incident
took place not because of the colours but something else.
Later we found out that he had accidentally done a small installation
work at a bad location for this year. After advising him what
he should do, the problem is being resolved.
you can see that filling up your room with colours related
to your favorable or unfavorable
element will never at all influence your luck. Most important
is the Qi (Energy flow). If colours are one of an important
factor, we must as well paint our wealth corner in blue that
represent water rather than placing a real water flow features.
is why a practitioner with true Classical Feng Shui background
will hardly ever advise how you should fill your room with
specific colours or what you should wear.
Posted by Lum, Cassandra
[Answered : 11:15:12 AM]