The Trinity Luck - Heaven Luck, Earth Luck and Human Luck By
Jon Sim
destiny of one's is greatly influence by the Trinity Luck namely the Heaven, Earth
and Human Luck. And each of these lucks would actually account for 33% of one's
path of life.
Luck Some may actually refer to this to as Fate. We do not have any control
over it and are born into this world with this fate. With a little of Heaven's
Luck which we have brought along with us into this world, our life journey begins
here, from the very timing we were born. Earth
Luck This would refer to the location or place where you reside or work
and Feng Shui can come into place to help harness the natural forces created in
that environment to better bring about good fortune for you. Human
Luck This would refer to you, yourself. It is what you achieve through
your up-bringing, virtues, education and of course, your own willingness to work
hard towards your goals. You are definitely able to be in control of this luck. Having
the correct attitude and mindset, the correct application of Feng Shui can certainly
help to bring about a better change in your life. With the Earth and Human Luck
complementing one another, you will have already gained for yourself 66% of the
& EARTH Interaction
of Yin & Yang
Heaven Bagua
Heaven Bagua
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